Slow Computer Fixing Techniques For Non-Techies

A new computer is fast, smooth and performs actions within seconds. However, as the time goes, it turns just the opposite and starts working slowly. As a result, programs take hours to respond and when they do, they run too slowly. So, how to get back the magic of a fast PC? Check out some cool alternatives below.

Tips to help a slow running computer

1. Reboot: Try turning the system off and on again. Reboot fixes the issues of a slow computer. Though results are not assured, still you can consider giving it a try.

2. Check for viruses and malware: Scanning the computer for malware and viruses is a very good step. This is because malware takes up the memory; thereby, making the system slow. Other harmful actions possible are corrupting applications, wiping critical files and causing real damage over time. Check if the PC runs on automatically scheduled antivirus scan.

3. Check the hard drive: While checking the hard drive, if you find just a few megabytes of storage space left or repetitive warnings about running out of drive space, it's time for some action. Empty the recycle bin, uninstall useless programs and delete temp files.

4. Check the running software: One of the most significant reasons behind a computer running slow is that it may be loaded with bloat ware applications from third-party vendors. These are the programs that run in the background and are useless eating out the system resources. In such condition, check the startup menu and uninstall the software you don't require.

5. Add more memory: This is a very good way to fix a slow computer. However, this is a time taking process and expensive as well. If you are not well-versed with technical knowledge, it's good to visit the professionals. As PC is a fragile device, don't try applying useless efforts, as it will break the system entirely.

6. Defrag the drive: Excessive usage leads to fragmentation of hard drive leading to a system that runs slow. To fix this bug, run defrag overnight in order to clean up the drive. Make sure avoid using the system for a few hours.

7. Get AOL computer checkup: If every attempt fails, it is good to go for AOL computer checkup. This will speed up the slow machine, clean up the unwanted files, automates disk defrag and optimizes the system's performance.

Try these useful tips and make your machine work the way you want it to. If you lack the needed knowledge and tool, call the technicians for immediate help.

Steve Smith has been in writing industry since years. He has detailed knowledge about technical glitches such as email set up, computer running slow, virus removal, blue screen of death and so on. Read his articles to know more about resolving technical glitches.

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