APRIL 6, 2004

Today, President Bush went before a community college in South Carolina speaking about job retraining. What a farse!!!!!!!! President Bush has been shipping jobs overseas for the last three years. These are not just blue collar jobs either. These are IT jobs that they are shipping off. I am a Information Technology (IT) student my student loans are about 25,000.00 so far and my husband's loans are about the same.

Not only that but in order to get these jobs in the first place you have to be certified. Certifications are about 150.00 to 25000.00 every three years. I doubt if Microsoft or Cisco systems are requiring their overseas help to get the same certifications that we are required to have. Furthermore, I feel abandoned by our president because he has a pull-up-from-the-bootstrap mentallity. My family is trying to to do just that but, if the adminstration keep giving away all of the money to big corporations you'll create a welfare state.

When we look at the umemployment numbers on whatever news outlet you choose the numbers are screwed!!!!!!!!!! Case and point, the unemployment numbers are up not because people are working, but looking for work. The state employment commission definition of the workforce is anybody working of looking for work. When a person gets fired or laid off they have to look for two jobs a week for six months then the unemployment checks run out. That is when you see the effect of when the unemployment numbers in your state may rise because people stop looking for work when the checks run out.

There is a web site that have pleaded the case for IT students and professionals such

check it out

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