Cynthia Mc Kinney Not So Simple Answer

Sharon Middleton
April 11, 2004

I was just reading my email, I usually just delete my yahoo without reading them. However, I ran across an email about Cynthia Mckinney running for her old congressional seat. She lost her seat to Denise Majette who is now running for that traitor Zen Miller's seat (good riddance!!!!!!!!!).

What perplexing about this whole situation is that there are several reason why Cynthia McKinney lost her election. Ms. McKinney was targeted by Republicans for stating the Bush knew about 9-11 before it happened. She was also shunned by Democrats as well for this supposed allegation. I had the pleasure of listening to an audio documentary on July 4 the of this year by Greg Palast named "The Screwing of Cynthia McKinney." Greg Palast interviewed the journalist that made this allegation and cornered her into telling the truth that Ms. McKinney never said those things. Why wasn't she targeted like Jayson Blair, well that is a another rant for another time.

There is another issue the Jewish issue, Ms. McKinney was proponent of empathic with Palestinian issues. Like most African Americans I also emphatic with Palestinian issues no one with any sense of decency would be seeing people oppressed on a daily basis. Jewish Americans then paid for Majette to run against her. Republicans even crossed over in the primary just to vote against her along with other congressmen in the state. From the looks of the whole thing I would lay this squarely on feet of Tom Delay (R-TX) this is something he would pull. If he scared Miami County from counting votes this would be easy for for him.

But here's something else that was on the Greg Palast documentary Ms McKinney was investigating the voting scam that Katherine Harris pulled on the state of Florida among other investigations that would disturb " important business."
Ms. Kinney ran across several documents that would link 9-11 directly with the Bush Family.

Three years later Condi Rice went before the 9-11 hearing and pretty admitted that Bush knew about the 9-11 attack on
08-06-01 could have responded but instead decided to stay on his Crawford ranch and ignore the threat. Which proves one thing, Cynthia McKinney would have been RIGHT AND EXACT ... For making those allegations. Maybe she needed to leave the scene and let the whole thing unravel all by itself and it is before the Bush administration's eyes. Bush was planning to run of 9-11 now he can't because of Richard Clarke. We now have Air America who now is streaming two million on the internet and God knows how many people listening on the radio and satellite. Now Cynthia McKinney can run and win this time because we are better informed and less fearful today.

RUN CINDY RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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